Monday, July 14, 2014

Mourning Has Spoken

Strap-It on experience Size not like the experience hides flush the narrows for the spare ode gots stride,
a trip to the other stored in the backings of the door trade for trait want a Sake no worries I'll spoof,
none of this I don't have time pick the product there is a rhind teacher teacher Professor me Lot all right!!

Echo me shadow a Venture to brought up close and personal the eyes do taught from base to Top lapped,
grimm me Nature to my Natural Lake of in bend discreet the creed of feet comparables never tried??,
oh gosh darn that side in the movie of a ride did you see the blinkers lie aye I did took to shied??,
double it up for more is duck gander the touch to a cuddle bucked stag the Party in the depressions!!

History has proven that I must maintain a different approach to every sane lane that Needs a Bred dose,
in the real of the Train caboose me Central stills the Brain of a Mind FULL of getting the Rein of doings,
a sort of Blunt happening in Cycles of bunch not a Kindle dished for the Eyes of Munch!!

Meet & Greet sake the Feat off with the Gallant he paved the Free fly bye and released the Meat deal,
as a Ham in Life of Wit know Conversation amples it a gift of Prose to all Ways show the Wanton bows,
aiming Hello and lost Art in Today making Action reality in Play no Posters needed just a Rider in leadin'!!

I feel the want to speak in the Continue of a Marked Lives of Oh so Elemental to the stripes of Zebra,
case central to the Pyramid of the Sphinx mountain back to the Vikings blink Riders in the Stormed,
a Vessal of Knottings jolts Lighening Repair to brake in some Time for Living in Spared!!

Grateful I am to Mr. Blunt's Plan of removing the Posts that gave me a Hand I am so excited to Land,
in a Far away Island I'll never think Ire for I was banished by the Apples of the Day boardings in pared,
squeaky I have fulfilled my Stream as a Streaker through the decades of filterings cleared by Rave~In!!

Frankly Blunt Fathered Great Job Dad!!