Thursday, July 24, 2014


The lamp of the Sun spat too black,
the MidNight cow,
press the Media in Cold dyes the Matter,
spat shacks.

Wide Globe count,
to Five divide by,
Whom already ply the Repeation harps,
as Bleat the Flock of Humanity!!??!!!

Red Door Sol

The Range of Orca in silent prow,
bring to Closed the sap of the Maple groves Forestry,
killed by Cruels!!

Shards of smoke trails Choke Flume in volcano,
the molten bloat are Rocks in so'ed,
stark shelled,
no pearl in the Stem mere Earth to the Plates!!

Announcers break by Application,
stamped stride the Deny,
 as a Toppers scandals prove Theirs!!

One Perk in this World Marked,
a Sickle in the Spoofing,
hit Gates.

Born to Message a brier,
in the bread took away,
in Facebook dead Baked!!

Trait Horror