Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fee Corpus

The Echo at Times End the Ages of the Universe did hymn to Know a Human ear inking the Terror A firm,
valley plains sank while left a grit Sand for a Mountaineer in thus the Climber be lane the truer of Vein,
the classical Noise of the Society at Hand was the static Communication of an Entire global Friend in dirt.

The Rock of crumbles pebbled the Veer creating a path to rumble shore trimmings,
a ship of utter cruelty isolated the Island of a frothy score,
Notes written Singer ignored,
debt paid with sparking Trait was Owed!!

Crisp Fires burned the brains of lending land,
broth filled panting dried the Veneer,
shellacked parter steeved the strap,
a stirrup on the Iron Ordered a strap Classed!!

Trucked to Hitch the thumb nail ditch Railed start to sheathed,
Sword in Forge worked Out the groove in bred to be a Stone.

Purring life stumped the strife increasing Stride the More,
in front a Bore with Bull like stout a dragon sang to Sync,
the Accord orbs of Pour a Pale Rider in the stork,
the hatchling in the Solar lend beyond the Cosmic core.

Sheer luck be strained the lilting shied away from curtained bites,
the Clay a mold that captured Told that Man had plans to Equal lulls,
in the Swing the Bough of spring gave Leave and ventured North.

Launched It Skewed