Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Breaches Sound Barriers Herd

The bitter harsh rather hit Parade by means of a forward seat in the mount of societies,
in feet where destruction is the Name of Their Gain I empty appeal for only Reason in Heeled,
such balance of delicate as I hold stature in truth of the capable in root I decide Routed,
in Feat I have spoken in grave detail of Creation bringing the Red Moon singing Cleared!!

Charge The Continue to aspections of chose in either to Being,
chump One second to Minute pass Wanker the Moment in been,
scene of discerns make Life's steer Right in too the Corrective black,
know Treasure of Barrel in the Vest find a Hasp!!

Trunks that do Stand not in the Mentality of RIP rebuke back,
in the Arch of the Narrow training came with & by Example That,
a Tact of not Quiet silence rather brakes to engage a Satter,
is it Reason or Que attacks that Mercury would Pluto Too?

In depth I have Found credit it shown,
by Men whom gathered to show the Bone,
not Tunnel the Mind with blather in Kind Typed,
Important This Will Measure.

Took waltz to Opera as a Musical slate,
the 'slip&slide' Central crust forest in brae`d,
seek not the found breeze the loud,
in berry Vein the blood is the Heir boughed!!

Limber rushes fast to snap,
tone in chord is really fact,
subtract the Curtained in Desk of Stunned,
delivers more shocking pun.

Entry Cap Done