Sunday, July 20, 2014

Aviators Carling

Deep into the Knight the language had soaked his Being in my sleep win the Sun would Set my eyes seeing,
an intruder in the leaning upon my dream stating wake for this Man has creeked in width my the restings dot,
the moon in her stead of breathing while I river my breath to snore attempts to slam doors to no availed.

A plumb work in the Mind attached by not mine the outsider beads my Self to sharps in averting the bean,
counting sheep as the steer trust to the Continue breaks the immortal station spearing the scene as the Frill,
certain account of the vstol from a burning flame timing the flare to rocket in lull a lap in the spark share.

This vista of a valley love bridge building strength in the archer breezed a store in the park of the seated,
in fight of the invitational a conversation of reason implores to bough the tree by design swoon to pine,
vow shouting know the earth grounds our meeting stream to hi bounds senses formalizing a ready loud!!

Speaking calmly to temper the spake wisdom in passings of work late an echo on the Ridge in nape,
shoring to the walrus an ivory tusk shipped the lake of oceans rear in the core of the matter cosmically,
stars sounding planet brave a print to eye crave a youth am I in an Orchard of Math.

Trapped in light of know vein a stature of growth in thought to Crow a blue jay whistled the Hummingbird,
in bare from form the question lingered the blowing wind of thinking never heard in depth of dreaming,
reaction slows to the tempo of the sheet writes showing effort in riddled part as the Deck of dark structured.

There in the portal of time pumped with line a venture to the bright folding song the route to grace gone,
in passionate reveal aye stare at the eel for all I can see is the bronze to the title in a Shield of knowing,
the effort to put place gives wane for the comfort is over bearing and the restful felt ask hugging Being!!

Reign Sheen