Saturday, July 19, 2014

An Arena With A Magic Ballet

A broad day of eventful riding,
upon the amazing balance of a beastly creature,
he breaths me to his sides!!

The engagement of such dynamics,
as One joins the Other,
in such impulsion the galaxy must store the tender.

In each stride of union a collection of sound,
as the oxygen begins to breeze,
the most lovely of ground.

A flowing transition,
for the power of the haunch,
asking him to set upon my trust to the launch.

With mere connection of Mind,
to an order watched hear,
his ears sway a tempo as the canter hits gear!!

The breadth of time halted,
in a slow of motion with no pounding, 
his hooves just the grace the eternal in paced.

The perpetual found a rhythm,
in real the trace of compose,
earning balanced with air we rose!!

From pulse to pulse a calm in the love,
reins that held contact with the mouth saying dove,
no bump nor pull his frame so held,
as he stepped underneath to power us off.

Full Disclosure