Sunday, July 13, 2014


The profile beacon a curl of the Chin a turn to the straight narrowing the Hem a stitch in the Ages of Bend,
tiger stripe the Zebra to a Topper basis racked ask the Giraffe the dipper dotted win lending a leeks bronze,
the color of the grape bitten Rite clydes trimmed for Life ask the bare on the chester brake a feat light!!

Stacked to the berry fruits in the laugh humor of the deck owl'ed hoop the raccoon a Badger brawled,
curt a Cocoon mach the butter cream whipping in the lines of a testing Texts on chisel the Waller Ree nee,
concourse the Copper ked a racket in the whirl coos heard to cell call ankle bending braker reined.

Crud the batter soaking the speak present the gift of language cruising all the booked,
whilst the Time Taking mobs the streaking the World pauses Flu intoxicating nose nodding spence,
trigger Pole ink an chin I.D. a Tree still believing that Nature brought the Lead!!

The show singer barker a stir of complete riding over dare deviled the Evil Ka Kneel abrupts,
a jump banking ramped the up too down in stand the Wire of the taunt string hi Walker purrs the luck.

From Cliff to sight the strength of knowing dot start to fly flown to balk makes Life Itself a tight,
the Look to balancing module a body riders mountain Horse the broken or the Breaker,
idea trusts the Creditor to believe before the War!!

It is the Iris speaking soft or talking doubt in Mortal these are telling that Origins prefer the Stoae`d,
regards too salivations the stick of sweat in coring on the string of munch perked orders menu surfed,
Aw the Principle Law in the Jungle Brook libraries Curtain drawn back to the Collected Rook!!

Stretch the Frame of Ridden a buckle to Safe Relax cruising for the Venue a view to booking Tack,
the saddle all ready fitting the billets checked the hold a buck of mere in seeing vultures sight to snook,
laughter often comes when the Spoof is funny rung the Mailbox delivery a Post with a Tongue!!

Which Log??