Sunday, July 13, 2014

Match Rite

Belief in the saddle I ride the Storm of natural occurrences with a tight girth for the leather trough lead,
stirrups adjust a comfort to create the relaxing heels down approach enable the carriage to broke ski,
asking the bridle the fit a bit comma formalizes the addressed to post a seat into the rising position consist,
thorough brier often buck in Mind thought for Life difficults long ends questing trail become steady loves.

Journey to the locality width the logic arch Compass magic reining the buckle walk queer to letting go trust,
upon the Field of Just each Being chose the barrel of comprehensive sum loosing the gum shoe investigative,
in amongst the forest of the electrical sparks thee Mount of sake charge op's know plug general love akin!!

Drinking measure to feather flight a zone of aught gift Self considers the purpose of the brushing comb dial,
the tangle in dread locks so easily knot in nature the swish is defensive to announces an ear bothering land,
yet ability to untangle the catch stringing barbs produces the sight to enjoy the hour of work sharing course.

A describe rake leaves structured signs either direction natural original or humans burking cored hulled,
gave a lyre player trucked the shouldered write a Rider in the Stable of the Door Ways to roaming beau,
a drop dime bot per trot case entrance arena studies the Test fork Set blunts the alphabet bigs AKH.

Trans`Relate dives the depth to One the beat breath grace increases court bearings of straight empowered,
the muscle structures enter built choosing dare creates a thrill seeker buyer a catch ride bring herd reeds,
the Proper & the Prime equal the lastingly cause of Infinite Learning professing Teacher tellings Scene!!

What Letter Stands Quarter Point Change?