Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Bit Or A Part Hard

Clever the Ankle to the teeter~taughter teaking rib rides as the quest to Center X halts,
a broad breadth incorporate reining branded buckle hands to the cruises of Pops,
strange intro. to the visit Race tracking left to rear the muscle haunch from stablings born,
a director of Tar Comedy jet far black can't heave the actual to a full-Bit snaffle back!!

Silks are knotty breaks impulsing wetter lakes deeply seated is this Rider trade,
from Days to Events to enter Nationals of a growing barn built by brass fitting decor beam,
like any novice bring the years under saddle learn how to mount tighten and get along in see beal,
type the tie ask the ride do you want to be the Sky??

Exit Buck Sigh

Amazing facial I recognition to the anglers screaming read falling off trailers for the big bad Lead,
a bit of bread & drowning buttered Toast dooring the Chandelier Waltz of the Singer landings!!

True handlings rank the bowl of the duck gander for control obedience nices the boards to placate,
as real activity Require shows the bangler as a par jean short to barter the touch pond as a mure!!

Ramble the rogue to the brain ask the sitter for a branch swinging on a lamp ain't quiet danning,
a dot diner itch seat to lined greats why well certain pure is a clarity of the demerger do'ings Jeeves!!