Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Tail Of The Horse Is Used For The Bow Life Docked To Go To 'The Show' ~ The Mechanism Clearings

The 'Duchess & The Dirt Water Fox' another Favorite Classic to bet the Gold as Blackjack is the Game,
the Satchel with a Hide to Park a Stay in the Hoarse Tights to Knight the Lord to Godfather in a Day!!

The pitch to the Batter swings away to the Home Running came with an Education to claim,
on the Mount the Ball is in the Hand of Proud as a Team Player in the Fields of the Grassy brawls,
1st Base is a Penny, 2nd Base a Knickel, 3rd Base the Dime to the slide in for the Safe is a Quarters Moon.

Three Strikes your Out in the Year of the Blooding it's Touchdowns that Count to the Same in Loud,
a Super Star Half Time Show Footing a Bout to the Crowd Surfing Towns in a Wave of Unity Staging!!

Use the electrical to shock the Watts as the Sure lock is under the Hand picking stroke of the Keyed,
scratch the Paint to the Hard Wares of Cans explosive when pressured to Heat boiling tempers,
venue the Horse to the Fourth on Course from Death to the Name of Nobody in deads.

Chart the Platinum Record in the a World Review of a Tour to China and a Boat to Hue,
the copper of the Party Line as the trouble in brew turns up the Fire to the Flame in the Dude!!

Public School Educative Isle Pagans live the birth of the Styles to Teach or Professor the Hinge in trials,
Stonehenge echoes from Times as a Mile from the Measure of Time to it is just a moment in Wild,
push the ticking clock to the dimensional talk define the current to an Oceanus spot in Ponding a Lot!!

Stow the Goods at the Cafe on 6th Avenue for the Cross is the Ride to the argument sides,
handle bars cycling pedals that breathe to the information of seats that prefer Life in a Mental Station,
the Channels built to guides Ships at Sea birthing lanes with drilling leads that vibrations are splines,
living Organs while Jars wax the lids to Crown are the bitter hards tax too the hardest Cores tracked.