Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Honey Sticked Lines

Dress for the Corrective detail of the Kangaroo to the Hop of the Belly brew in the Tasmanian brews,
devil the speed to the vacuum of wrecks on the Isle of Mann in the grounds of the stick in the which's,
temperature to the Galaxy Sync in a Universal Leap the Solar Zoned at the Basic Moon by Name,
in the Proper add the Prime to divide the Earth in the Streak of the Kernel at the Stone as a Hinged!!

Swing the Bowl in the Sphere to understand the Twisting Gear that Moves the Ward in the Sets,
pushing Planets by Design to Rite the Zenith in the Switch to the Channel of the Bird in an Evil lured.

Joint the Journey Creative quest with and by the Movements Crest in the Mold of the Flume it chose,
the ices burns in melting churns to skid rowing like a stowed to the laughter of the choke it's chortling Goods,
to the passing Comets Hi the Meat of Cow and butter lied as the Food is foddered Think Ripe ling!!

Place the Band up On the Head enter sleep in Waking crowds as the barrel of the Gun is Hugging shrouds,
hippie back to the decades that the voice was in the hauling of the echo through the Trees now it's clear cuts,
grove the rain to knot in Falls water rushes in the shall to consider the wanting now as oppose to the Tau!!

Armor Shields with a Stand sign it Off to pore the strain to the bled in the vain purring for the lending slain,
dagger Sword to Double Edged like the Tongue but its a Head as the curd is curtling Milk goes dry to land.

Smear the Tokens as the Fair for the Ferry in the Dare as Hotel is built with care in the Lair of Dungeoned,
repairing Mead to feed the Prouds as a Mind is in the Dau might to bore brought to spork,
set the Earth as the Debt at the Table of go and Get frothy Cates to way to Late it is in the Blunts to boot,
saddle up for he has quit put a Suite instead of Creak bones that walk by topping loan.

Mark the Crate to Give and Fates as The Siren dates the Swarm to the Hives in the Bee stingers herd,
as life is treat the trick to trade is keeping feet side by side not 6ft Deep as the short Talls the Feat!!

Dicking Around