Monday, July 14, 2014

Roke At X Leftings

Echoic savor past in rain,
 letting gone the bake in spare,
craving lost too ample leaves,
 the flee hop repeatings.

Halt at X tongue to speak,
 the believe is Munging steed,
a boost to stirrup onward brights,
 I am not the Wastrel Cased.

Word of Steer Countenance pride Crop allowance,
flow the spur to single herd,
 cut the crap stink that lair,
all in the Time of Hank Hods Race,
 serve dish traced!!

Zoom a birth in next Now life,
cause in blake the dragon base,
trait to graph hands enlaced,
prey My Brain to Mind stay Draked.

Poof the Smoke of mirror the Day,
a puff of air to credit Ware,
sync crust Cell in boulder Well,
deep que never leave my lou.

Shower the sky by starlit lives,
remembrance rocks as burnt out nodes,
efforts evident life gone bed,
stuck in massive under fed!!

Circulation 'round the Nape,
slung in fashion ring tree crout,
same exact pull from bred,
in the Sour break the Bold!!

4 Square Rounds Module Pound