Monday, July 14, 2014

Blue Ice Balker

Star light of Strides making Care a Four beat stair to the Mount,
get a Strong pocket Ride to Bridged Toll,
ski the bloat liked to Sun an Other,
explode in busting rung used for Grange,
Solared Croaks spacial Point.

Ring purr of Cycling Tar,
elemental in the seal waxing,
lane for greased in speak trait,
Earth as Used Jade lates.

Sprig the bunch of Morality Lost, 
creaking bones to 'morrow sauced,
crumb the Futures in Whole,
Otter Vase...

..painted Instruct all in Say platters tray,
the Service Lined blood,
Spark ignites to Flame stricting O Sough!!

Credit spin asked the Emblem shield rate,
with Poetic take through the quit spit Quests,
lace spooling Scribe.

Hold the Fell of Origin,
Crow in the Vast meet the Fill satis home,
to gear whence the trip founded dear brav.

Removing never wi records Shell,
Grimm has drunk,
the shards of Glass shook,
crest Axled hammered jar lid..

...set to Tablet carve the lored length,
crust Tell to Peoples Shore groats,
offer Sand Swallow showed Boarderings.

Skate question off Wit bit broken Snaffle dip the Nip tune,
the Tapping foot Note Lot babbles noise Flaw!!

String it Screw bolt the Pern place,
in bet a hit Hot Role new to Round.

Cork pop Mic. Cold visual Life lull.

Swingin' borrow off to Lend spake,
 the dadder let it lens prod. keep I far learn churns stirring Central pipe...

Expiate cost increase the squeeze rigging spoke to handlered,
 Alarm broth the Bell heel a Cod net A.W.L.
isle the Tick flip that Switch crude the Oil with Water boiled,
 Volcano steam don't over load Keep shoe Sai.

Thru Est Bitter Sweet Stallings Villa Orion Spet