Thursday, July 10, 2014

Purr Dockers Throttling Up

I have lost my Thought in the Weirds of the Whir Worlds of Knot a loop to at Spun the Sky is my Lung,
venture to the Top of the bottom less me for the Vied is the Tree of the empties on Lead blank shots shoed,
the Iron of the Mask is the Measure of a Task should the Back not Wrench why thou shalt bee mine barn,
for the stall creations brawl in the midst of the lacking swallow a full bore dunk in the trough of lasterings!!

Might me Mind to thy direct wired by the compass of Sensual desiring thrust of the Muskier Staggerings,
in thee I cache in deeply the breathe of a baker rolling batter to the buttering of a crumble in Society wanna's,
no tank for sex as lolly lops crop the Popsicle Lots as if to State salutative crookers never blasting satisfied,
depth to the knowledge of the burrow as the Wankers need a thorough deep throating home run classic!!

Bummer that Training of the Ages to Come in the betterment of bodily rum a crash now for the Mind is dig,
crate to the Thresholds of Multiple doorways in the sight of the eye Ways bunkering that Wave lengthening,
strides in Collect to blast the Rocketry to a Set Match by the Whip and the Link to never return dat sat,
for today Sex is a turn valved Offer so close to the min. of the separate Ven Off/er sit Milkers Goods can in.

Know release in the Marrow is trouble for a Wee Whistler for the actual would have to work for the debtor,
a bizeerk counted to the Nature of the Gaming to no Flowers thanks I'll dark the Vase though doppered,
a sort of design to Trust_Outer for this danker is a bothered with the ankle squatters trades trending Uck,
wide the treasure to a Brain in a Clever vibrating the Never to a Gear in the Ever of Zerking derked.

Tribe my beating bodily staff as the go Keeper of the Sonar tracked for oh Me Blunt I just gross You,
to the Profits of the future Stores in the Tales of the More grow that Earnest Fire too a getter goad,
Oh for the Might of a Tighie Knight the vice of the Where abouts in a Mind Lairing Denner dout,
not I said the fly as a Zipper in the Cat clause this Up to the down of that wisdom prevails the dicker dots.

Much to the bounce of the Redder Dount put in for the Worth and it Presents an Hour Durke talker,
braggarts vision a locked type of no perform I chaise lounge to the thinking corn than bing it thought,
drop to your knees had to have had an Original be's for why or how did the caughter catch the seed,
whereby the runner in I is a chasings to bye for in the linkin's of this place a World is a Vasing Caed.

Bugger the stool feed to a Federation of dinners not asking is much like not Educating the dired dies,
as not to think but know that the One gropes the Two for more than some hand soap Means I Ware,
reminded that Equals Pare at the Base of a Backed it's the Rear that makes the totality track,
a Wild in the Wonder of Games get Wetter for the Sync of the Stroll is a Fisher Mans Pull to Setters.

As Humanity has loss I grow Gains to the Dink of the Blinkers I worn Blinders just to Soar the Binders,
a Three~Ring~Turk be a starter of the Dye too Answer the Question of the Bannister braughters ride,
all in the Case of Stepper to Coast the Far Banks of the Big Dipper to the Deer Dooring brides,
schedule the Independent than the Origin is Seen flights to a 'Morrow leaving the Steam.

There Is Reason Inn B.D.S.M. Mastering Lend #Actions Up,Over&Out Be Breed Ease