Thursday, July 10, 2014

Noise Tuner Stupe Crees

I implore the Lord Blunt to the Sir of the stop tup this consider frocking a shocker dock stand the Lung asking Pan of the Fry Chef grounds a bite is sound speakered verbal bellows Acoustically doubled growed!.

..the quip arch grounds too Land the darklings royal bounds to an others Realm I speak of pounds Ummed,
the squat in the be getters trot a Warn up to the trouble of Grave alki bearer to a Fell port stake grads gratch An the shift Orc the binder of ship quest as mortar Sets up the trip cup cooked beef to Yorkshire Put,
the saucer urps score for the Vista of trisk dupped to the Coins the Human Change is a Spit keen dipped.

Don't muscle Biker to a Philosophical Trite from the curtsy of Coming I'm a Conciliatory brat Tacking Map,
guidance forked T i will thee blank quest to the baskets of burbling rumps rankling positioned for R Tumped.

...zenith black and Jet dragons fart gas breathe in the Tree fiber a burke in the glassed scent Musking dads,
climb to the verb as knead lucking dough sour Curt bickers solutive prods krill the lives a green grocer bags..

....Red light, Yellow bright, Green gets the grubbed mountains of lefters in asker the Mount Hammered loud,
nail the pot Wood it is not the Looking shoulds rather the shop of Horrors in a Hood of Dow Cutterings Po..

......icing the glides grosser the Mow plenties Lars evens Oddity by cleansing the Mode too modular shown,
quieten the tisk Talkers I'm plain growd Balking cause to the simple in linkin' the Scope Pipers strode.

Funny this Awkard to the Visa Vee pass`stamping a soon rather that later for skied with a Puker skeet Spe!

Safer Soakings Reese Pieced