Monday, July 7, 2014

Picture Contact Cryer Axe Crumbed

I declare in the Complete and Whole of my Self a Drake in the State of A Unicorn in Magically Grifted,
the purpose of any Animal Nature grounds the existence to the liberty of Creative language spoken,
gifted by whom is the question for the learning of life as an experience of a Planet Towered plain,
the dimensions crossing are mere Times Takes relevant today in flights of Over Sea Crates.

A skipping stone in the Ages needs no breaks for the linking is the fate of the individuals ratings of Self,
source fulled or not britches are for the Pantheons Orp`ing Time as the Oracle escapes to breath destiny,
in such trippings as the dripped Human Core in with the Cave Man`ing Text has shorted the Feat to beep,
a roadster cycles width the happenings from broth to frothy occidentals in decimal points Compassing.

To negate the feeling of sick to my stomach from the lies of the in breeding of past biblical text to Myth,
reap your Apple as the batter in the baker to the Sauce in the Brain enclosing the skulling factored,
sprites to the Scry proving that without a Real the Lies that have been forced in the Ramming of my life,
are the gross profits affording the burial of my Verse in bothered Blogging as the stage for a better Out.

Certain factors Mathematically Counted yet the World today is more interested in a flight to Mars dead land,
in Astro gear the set spinning spools to the drooling of children for lack of care in present concerns,
the dreamer that Spaced Moon Walk is now the dream that is killing the current kid dots,
as if One was Impossible and the Other probable mirroring only Time as the 60's decade to Here.

Craft is Religion practiced upon the Babes that have had and are suffering at these still stands NOW,
instead of proving a Religion that is only practiced never Mastered for the divides have produced rifting,
the bridged reports offer no structure and yet we rocket remote Cell Calls as proper communique today,
this discount conversation to dish a Satellite is not proper rather the dismissal of Man himself in deny.

Age will rise and in America Children are thrown out onto the Streets for not being broken to Christ,
yet another man killed in a cruel crucifixion that is worshiped in every fucking letter of church laws,
moreover to the point as it turns to be the Bible is not even on stride and has stolen to imputs,
so that being understood a man was killed for the Sake of the continued informational control of the coalings.

Comprehend the Microphone to Pope why has no Man stood to speak on these Subjects of Contradictions,
rote in chiseled Stonehenge to Middle pyramids at Ends the Sphinx is a fettered friend in Kiering.

I am the White Flame of the Eternal Fire speaking Ire!!