Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Park A Dot Chr

Words loosed thorough Ages to the Tech of Science brick mortared to the Fed abbreviates the cattle dusk,
rise the Dawn of an Ache the Elbow to the 'Morrow expressions in the Nower are Clocking a Towering,
interfuse a pent a gram the dialection would burble the burn in not a Flare Flamed rather the burke of Saids.

Soap via Souped in the Skull of the Brain an Electrical drive shorts the Circuit to the Blow to gain loss cost,
kelp as to mossed green colour proof does not dish the count for shorts to the C prompt dotting clatterings,
the bang of brigs prisoned the Keep to a Den for the Breathing comes gorged bye Horn Timing Starry ayed.

Trippings in a Veek for the trots addressed bigs the Canter to the Halting at X impulsing an Eclectic drib Q,
the tonal voice in dropping measures as the sheet to the bass Cleft pedals in an Organ could Wax the wait,
pushing Primal Scape`d to a Cheat thieves broads to a Writ in Venue of the Done all Ready rearing higher.

Bic a Torch as Sampled Mort a Magnet at Tract chords in Fact that simple upping distracts doping to Ex'd,
place the Set in an On powered plug evaluates the decision back to the done Racking for Truth to absorbed,
Nature a Compass to the Points of Dew the rain comes down as do the crudes oil vinegar in separations.

Answer Craps as a Dice throw to the Universe Know a prod under Tabs Mights the Pin to a Pickered bo,
as in mathematics the skip of the sipped ruins the counter of the break by no mistake just a do over day Fee,
waste the recycle of change to a decidedly barker it is the Noise Maker that Friggs the Store with Stowed.

Simple to the Puzzle is a riddle to the mow upon the grass growing to steep covereds grow evolving larry,
regard lessed dagged a chisel said it so'ed packing the tooled versing the caller not the recepticled basis,
formalizing the understanding that it is a Comprehensive Proof stipulations braked only by life itself stopped.

See Ya In The Funnies