Sunday, July 6, 2014

Not I In The Cutting Traits For Facial Rec. Text Turned

I tell a story Sixth Sense a Pocket fold of Rye in the Folds of detail I speak the talking sighted for a grifter,
in settle of the grounds on this there was a bye eaten for the sake of an elemental bribe in scribe`d,
the Tale told for broad scope digestion for the Fool star gazer said the Old Folk in the You of I,
a litter of the cub pup a varied sheet in broke shells of goldie egg yolked a crack in all of Time!!

Bookings yelled immortal for measure came to being soaked in for shook knowledge a bitten in a Vee,
decked the shift by echo a cracker in the crumbs spreading in sucked Legend Myth grew a Sye,
know present days mistake the bondage of the choke as plumes of Feather not take brought Liver Splined,
dressing from the All Gear a Zeron Zenith Flighted to Futuristic Means journey of a Traveler where'ing.

In genes of a cell tark words never been struck in a Coast oaf a Circular Infinities trait too Dragoning,
in an Ancient Memory sparked thee in Boom a piano saying the Arch is the Bay of Bones throating,
lower angle divided to certainly a Lead interest in an Order let Set continue Being in a lively Lean,
dream why is the bother as Life it Bet the Gee dicey skates a temptress in games of B & D.

Sadists in the World glean Masochist just squawk to the Chicken played House a Rooster in the Verb,
a Hen Hut in Remember the medal of an Ore see the Elements Core if Fires in the Flame Ca`ed deed,
People of the equaling drowned the each a Teach learning of volva 'ions a Keeper with a Creed,
professing farther than the Bitter of the Blued gather in the script read a kedder in the bare fed.

Hall the sempre table a buck to knife of Blunt for in the Knight Dale a Cistern claused a Creek,
pouring forked the On Spout the double of a Tongue never in the Split did leverage think of Dumb,
freeze to all the pealings the bossy is a Store Change shoring as the Breath comes to hugs of dee Key,
smoke vote in colors black & white treats ski melt robes of incompletes shocking on the land Tabbed.

Standing over Foray crowds just Look to staired no tens of number Nine cared for 11 is so RARed,
growls a copy cats bat stance just in a Veal tasting tricked or Trader braiding Beads of Letted,
stringing strummed an Organed pipes bleeters cower as if it ports a stray lay in between the clayed,
molds of pretend fakes smiling gorped for choke a penny for the Pockets as 10% in Fined Rape.

Reachers Inking Strunged