Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Long Reining Perk A Day

I post to the Dressage of the Olympic explosives of precision talent riding execution Style Real Arena Rings,
three for the shot a Knight of Horses Steed luck me to the to Dare of the Balance in Rares.

Trot the Gallop to the age of the gift grown width the Life of striding delights the view of a halt at X be Vend
travel the distance from not here for birth gave the Gears a sit upon the Toppers of a World Cheering Win.

Braking to nothing more and far nower as the minus of the plural to that Vacancy in done crippled early,
walking to the barrel of a Jump in the Marrow a bone for the hards as a Broad over Sea to Can'ts!!

Magic this Write to Passing of Torch as the Lite to a Runners cycled remorse Course quitters Risen bites,
set that dynamite to a leg in approach I'll Team you Vibrations as the bitter bright lights shining blots!!

Creeks that flow to the Oceans Row a Wave in the Rogue Speaks to the Talker blockers blip blinked,
switch the Crop to a Whip and a Spur bank the Fence as Wall for the Taking a Path of Health not clotters.

Which is the stew as the brewing bowl drops ink to the tagged counter at lopped a Nine Earth Eleven back,
stage an grounds ask never the henge form the Hasp of a flip to Pandora mules stip. braiding pulses depth.

Jack In The Boxed Watch Clockered