Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Disciplined Trainers Lock Landings Argo

That Acoustical Singer can Bic THAT Vow to the brick of the dollar Rider louds in a Flip Venue Arena,
the World is a Horse on Drake line Corked to the Champagne of the Dynamite right between the Legs.

Mount the Hill to the Moss of fulled up with changing a Bill for the Coinage Priest rucked Racking dudes,
balance that Twin with a Towering Ven I'll track you to better with the Value of Lettered!!

Round to the Cross in the Country of Jumps built for War practiced adore fill Ore from Time spent done,
trade the Marriage of go ahead Carriage harness this Flight to the gallops of the Corrective brights.

A difference in the Do spending all the shew for accounts that have put in not Crowded a Been,
crisis avert me for the engagement of pair carry the Walker and Zombie out Theirs!!

Stacks to the Tests study on the Fringed chalk a Lined gun the Box bet bestings,
an Ace in the Whole alone for the Bolds just to be at the felt of the Molds releases the Bindings to breakers!!

Treasure All flippings to a Cellular Tar seeking the Grate to shift in to Par,
Tea up to England for Coffee is hard whilst the Spoon is the Standings of a Cup full mugged dark.

Grinding the bean for filter of Means give waves to the Rogue in the Fighter Jet lowed,
engines crow feather paint the hand Mow a Flank in the Master of the get away Bow.

Thanks for the Site to bring it Web strong crossing the groats as Wheat in a toast,
don't forget your Registry Blunt for I here got busy dear riding to the ever longs all Ways a Gere.

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