Thursday, July 3, 2014

Leg Up Eye Amplifying

As society seats the beautiful wedding of the timely stations of writes to kick in the guts sucks marrow bore,
the bones of the born with natural lore to the cell of the spline as the asking answers the age of two years,
old very young to be in such life with humanity farms of iconic alarms change to the title of briefs,
the under of the wares in the cracker smacks of said my life in breathings as a slave born right?

So insulted am I at the pass over of the table ketchups to the mustard of the name Cracker asked Case,
Ritz to Cereal Cheese in the Salami of the Hot dog reverts as the Toe is the brew Ha Ha unaware fees,
breaking cracks on national adviced that sat makes the come backs appear innocents with total guilt clods,
mud birthed dirt to melding forms the address in the unending story of Hansel & Gretel at the Creek Sing.

Future to Back my Scars are Fact the reason for the dripping sweaty brow as the Workings beget kissed,
cheeky steed to patience bead stringing pearls with delicious Bacon treats to the Porking loved or deaths,
compartments Air planing miss yet starvation is here today Cat Food Central Meat Loaves bake steaking,
mixture to the Commercial Playing champagne Kitty to dinner Glass filled four Inches Crystal stem??!!

Wonder, Wonder who eats Whats as the Cards are 7 Ups over downed than spun for Brows dripped,
painting pictures as words are stretched rubber band to snap in Face to close know touch it's a snake,
coiling strikes in fair business trait for the Purple Hatted Facts that the Stand is word to Lots,
the Tenderloin Teach of Coffee Pots Waitress shakes can't pour the Freed tied up in the Ultras skee!!

Checkers Chess Rooking Pond Swans as Our National Guards don't Call the Pig he'll beat your tagged,
motorcycle helmets I strange a flag as the seen did not point at me rather took a different nurse,
protection why what is that for the Boots just walk the Fed Intel Association flips the grid trigger triggers,
bump boom bing bang goes the reins Goods of Contact no Horse Sense Glad makes Rider shaped.

Halves Halt Wipe-Whoa Gallop Trots