Thursday, July 3, 2014

It Looks You In The Eyes In Sent Loped

The Coffee Mug now hits Surreal in Bearings of the Actuals in Truer Thought NOW Scene in Cent,
as much sense as a penny Role with the Nuc. it is a Trip in the Nudes a Daisy Chain to the Hype Line,
tubes to prescriptions you're dead alive death liables to the breadth of the Base at Catholics Nape,
the deeply held secret digs collected to the troubled Wigs retired Judge in Prison Robe burned Ring ste.

The Dali Lama walking grounds not to encourage just making rounds a Priest once a Pope joint hipped,
treasures breast regimes California Courts censure my life with the Federal Sections raised beyonds,
to lifer me in moves hence the safe is locks of breaking dished belief a Satellite Marriage in Brewed,
bombs bursting early day the wrong hours all the play to offset the Real Played in Movie it's a Day!!

Alien ships to Christian Lips the done before the bigger chore to sign the Contracts of the Floored,
the sing a long at Congressional Thief's a hand to loop the word less Teak eyes spoke a Volume broke,
smaller Federation Christian Bread Wine to Blood Country Stead the Stillings in the Frill of Exposed,
naked Nudes to Muses Nine the Siren clips Eleven signed a Life with the Twenty-Two the Numbered Clue.

Sucking Cocks not Deep Throating knocks that satisfy as opposition frustrates the Male gender breakings,
no satisfaction Two Total Completes in Salutations from the Neats a Worldwide epidemic cuttings Out,
like Origami in the Stretch Once Upon a MIDDLE night Crept the Creatures of the Christian SPET,
move the where Ask the Taunt don't You worry You Christian Launch Not One Believe this Any READ.

Consider the Chalk an Ink of Dye in the Blue of the Sky a Dome with fillings of Cream filled PIE,
slice the Apple it's a Cart with the Wheels of a Start now you need the Horse of Sprat to Vig,
grapes of Rye in troughs of Stride flying Changes easy ride exhilarating Voice in High shocked awake,
jumping 'cause the Vocal Loads with a Messege Seeking Code NO TRANSLITERATION KNEE.

This View to the Dragon Speech made Witness Testify to run to Barn be of Use not a Darn,
it's every where all at once mark your Cell phone it's you're Sconce turn your lids to whom is worth,
now the grounds will fluff the Turf one by one in Twice Cooked Stun dead in sat of seat to spun.

Twig Warring Skunk Raid Maced For Without A Trade