Monday, July 14, 2014

Joint At The Hip

Fun be had funny to Come down on walks of mid`summer Night venture to talks that Coffee out light,
no responsibility I got a tight waiting so long to flood in the plight on Muni the bus of a 20 min. right,
after a tenure of verse stating I know a hearst staging for empties in beautifully nursed to perfume the blinded,
awe I feel better already worked out gaining that laugh of a chortling sprite burrow a cuddle of boned in sigh.

Finally tension of all this relief bottled for difference just said to leaves that Mountains example the brave dee,
so bare to the neg. picture the pledge to bring this chest into single of stead I swoon to my mine zoned by,
thoughts of the fountain of Proper in shown how to sample the every in Loaned grateful techniques prep hard

Schools of the the Cycling oh for the savor it has been to long for this favor of waiting a Saber in dealing do,
pride to the lyon I know I must go to the banks of the haves in a Tall of the lose a founder lost at Sea anchor,
the ship that sailed off to the vale of better be gets no as much work in the fret of think disaster I'm wet!!

Pond the paddle to the lakes of straddle a top hat approach to the mist in the rattle erased from captured,
caution signs crooked no inform for the Tattle oh know what I'll do is Look for the Ride of stage Hi!!

Thank fold Blunt an offer in Trumped the Elmer of Goofed couldn't figure the Move of Crashing a Site,
the Venue of the Life is the Beholder of Wow no permanent fixture that Sconce of Remind dug bite lives!!

From made to Being in Central of Lean the Loan of a Rail said 'Go to the Bale of Hay stables' all bay,
I dream in the passings of duty bound lost to the Ages of whom forced me a cross to Talings a Dore,
of course on such journey I must testify accounts as learned experience has shot me a bounce.

In each Post there are lessons of how to get through this life full of rations in each a keep blurb to Sake,
more to the hour of a whistle in nower for the breaks keep it simple not influenced by grazed!!

The World Tossed Place Now I Concede