Monday, July 14, 2014

Snub State Life Rate

Dead to kill the shift talker take rape the borrow as wheel rights spare ode filling Time with debt paid corpse,
many mach dreads as in poor head brains so smacked the teeth felled smash stood to more in less of pact,
a profile here  to delete the fair that's all right for corrective snare the mice trap bigger carp to feed lucky tide.

The shores do rise stated light beach whale document that spake of railed tomb my stone to site relief the be,
posted scanned so many hands whisk me death to center ran spoof my life to flashing Pan fried egg stands,
a warmth to cut from stoked to burn fires perk to Self be stern bridled hard curb the chain to wire bit plates.

Squid my piece to crush my say squeeze the outer realms of play mount the Ox and kick the day just a Snuff,
been in the leak of looking at my body lied in cold on shelf cement of shake not for the Sake a bagged rate,
repeat the process turn from the gave link the reap to left in sign yield never increase the leg gun sort shot.

Creation steer my Time in State drop the bull to bind this Shrine borrow lend to wasted trash bin blink pike,
bring 'It' bye the shorter pine sight length the spark in Sepia bind guidance shew Global fright flu blown.

Mark Code Soared Beadth