Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Sand Bag Brake Herd

Great to have a day with the minus factor played to the laugh of an Interview Post to chuckle at this A.M.,
all while I saw a strange Scene in the beauty of my Hill side home in the close by Tree of a Clear,
life manifests itself in the funniest of ways directing the engagement of such not Blunt this is other aspected,
so don't get your knickers in a bunch thinking Thought of attachment just enjoying the release of paned.

Great to the drive of another grift riding in the silence of the tornado winds astride a cool mount of a horse,
cleaning the webs from the counts of a last to looking a bit corpus comped in knowing the feeling felts,
halls the gear of an express trunk to trailer the chesting with an open Mind not a closed keep it a Secret Ver,
changing pickle to a cucumber add a bit of truth full and wash the dish with the soaps of lined bays.

Credit the informational to no more no less mostly not caught in a funky Monkey Clam Baking Muscle bent,
clearing the Ocean of the Filk crumbing my bother with what pudding mix benders batter to broad toasterin's
a trillings sync`s that pride knot the loop of a rooker to the catalyst of a life I exist to mid`out a brambled,
thorny patch to the thicker ratchet of dusker Cats clawing to the bricked cork Tea Party rounds table Pops!!

Benching the barrel asking Bigs as the baker in a Dozened scrambles Past thanks a bigelow peached cared,
sticking the arm guns to ink over the site bites for a rambling in the quick bic's went a Marlboro Mickey bob,
zipper dapper dotty a wrapper diaphragm spoke the Rafter swinging in the a lullaby just to confirm a brave,
feather in the Crow of an Eagle on the Spow it's the Dart of the Falcon screeching Whoa blinking Boob ,
easy on the haw geed straight the Narrow can't help throwing the slinger for size is a Ringer..dinging stinged.  

Four down in the jolly good fellows arena I was here`in' a tad bitter bird worming through for a looky lou,
dads to the teach for I have a reach to a keeper in the bride all sewn up just gotta straighten the lie,
classic dump and bye from the Ages of Archs to the Times of a Smart all in The Trouble just larking,
step cross print rock prater kipped load a daisy flop canter to the brought Freedom Ankle taughts.

Cripper Crates Grapefruits