Friday, July 11, 2014

Picture Cost Too The Closer

I am pleased to announce that the figures mathematical in the dues of Life Itself stating Sayer laned,
in the Apocalypse the World is meant to be consumed by Fire in such a burn that ......I don't know that part,
however the glaciers have spoken for their melting proof of the change tides rising to soak our feet in remind,
of the Flood that was so Eloquently performed while the Comet blasted in to make room for the hub.

As the Wheel turns the Big Bang theorized that explosive detail source material of always more in gain,
in Fable the Core Sake of Man date to the loss of the walker to accept the bitter now Zombies present,
although to day the Planet is suffering Envy which is only One of those Deadly Sins herd Seven ruffed,
that being understood I am a Flame from the Drake Elemental Base of cruising Time last Unicorn style.

In the Magic of Happening Society has placed a Set of strange to the Rules and Regulations of Versed,
religion will not bend obviously nor will it make way for an Ancient show that has simply said Hello aye,
this is the Why only Some go Continue forwards to the Future of the Religious detailed in Revelations Dory,
sense I have not made mention of Soul Venue perfectives I cannot fit the entire take~over theory laid.

Neither do I wish to stand astride any Public Forum to tell at all anyone what to or not what too to do bard,
since the production of Twin Flames is lead by example James Blunt Goded out by Evolution as detailings,
the importance to the mission of accomplishment is there is no ready monies to be made for the Church,
olay to me for the base line is all butter chops for the Classic rapture ...I disappear readily for pass the bred.

Dotter Bots