Friday, July 4, 2014

Jumping This One Home

I skate life with the Skis of Railing Ages Rite in the Thanks it's Been Greats placate yourselves to Bunting,
down the River of a Creeks Ices snow a Peek of the Mountain Hi found the Valley divorce Called,
home to the best locked door Humans take this and deliver to the Envelope of how you Sit sat,
completes are the Evening of Scores so Old that Gods have fallen to Pre-summed 'cause Humanity Gods it.

Evolving Ask the Times of educated the travel of what You all want is delivered full bright que Tight,
watch You all Grow to Be the Gods I know You Must be to remand My Life with Isolation by force,
run those Credits to the Arrow of the Reins I.D. Humanity for the Laws of Crash in Wrecking lasts,
shag the factor to the broader picture stolen verbal cravings silent paving built deck reasons Welling!!

Hold with Handlers that Drone Cloned beats to the Mixing blenders of fleshy Roasts dripping Cruise,
body snatchers abortions through explosives heart taken for groats know flush was Real in Cannisters,
torn apart by particles shattering from this example Earth rocks fragmented as People cursed,
shreds to time lines again the reapers are really just the bone fractures of sames rigged to blowing Frigg.

Vee this Vi to the talent of Creation saying ride through the climber in the vast of the trailing suns planes,
cruising across the solar farm of an order tracking fine with not a trudge from people or their negatives,
working as I go I fly with the Cosmic Loud deck the Big Bang as a Tray Fold Sight questions never bam,
it's the Vestal of Volva speaking in off to the Trippings of bloodied Wars of Mankinds Repeater Me.

Blunt you cannot fly for you only Think and I well the Do of the All at the Core of Ra Ices Wall,
Rite score to the Elemental Entry Show to Fuck You with the Rest of Accounts have the Human Race,
James Blunt Wins the Big Prize a Cause and Definite Divorce to Placate the Bloker Brakes,
so Far Gone You Ask Reed to Marsh this Bog for lumber is the Timber of a Matched Fire Starter Bic'ing.