Sunday, July 6, 2014

I Can Tell Time You Dumb Dobbers

I more like hanging out for the Yak herd a Tent Tribes in Daxed for the Yaught of appealing likens the door,
the World is my Oyster and I am not your Pearling for in such a Nape it's just another lappered swim,
to see the Scenes that have built Means Man oh Man what a trippings to finish up the standings Ruff,
hence why B.D.S.M. exists today as the Present of a Gift to you the dumb fucks that can't seem to Move.

Too presume to speak on accounts of the deeded woods the Cross to a slaved mosque not my Styles Aye,
the burke of such is costing crutch to point and shoot another ducked not my measures for I dumb luck,
whips and chains constraint to Cane forced for reasons like Blunt gets even much more my Obey bore,
anything else is not a dead lorce it's just the fact the globes are snow and smashed for blow wholed.

So chalk it on down for the Cell Phone land to the Ocean a Ship is a balance to Land naturally rising with I,
for melts in the tweets have taught me to beach like an Orca Whale on Coasts in up really close to ben you,
face to eyes in the Center of dye 'cause now I don't want to do it your Way just 'cause I won't not be Imp,
James Blunt advised a path in a Guy if He doesn't come than neither will I go into Humanity for it's just a too,
even with James Blunt Captaining Rank I am a Rogue and buck is my rode hards are the grow in deserved.

But I don't mind 'cause life is like Vine hook it together and we all just drink lines of drunkard barfings old,
Neater the Letter to the Law of the Dungeon at least it excites in places like Fight for your Rite to Being right

Blank Pause Bloker Cod Bottom Spanks Pub Crawlers