Thursday, July 3, 2014

How To Type

As the public at Vice graze eaten Verse the proof Sentence in the girth known formerly as Earth,
grown with no care in Open air the brackish clams fell wits to stones Ask grit formed Curbed,
a bite in the vanquished space left empty the Core thru particulars Dusting of Ranked Pirates baggings,
encompass your given Religious Defeat to the Mused Express of Absolving the Solar Nest.

No concrete that can reinvest the destruction that the Oil driven killings death bet too debts,
humanity in Civilizations of Morning to a Early street have Avenued the dead in permanent Feat,
blacktop Tar grounds the Mark as Bones Two Skulls with broken Hept did Card as Jokers Crept,
the Wild of Nature is Not the Cosmos in Set of the Keep imploding Suns are Stars liken Skeet!!

Charge the Information to the Question of each Formal Sky Scrape showing an Outline to a Grave,
memory so clearly over your head that comprehension is bread as butter may the bleed be clots,
stoking the fire in burns of Volcanic eruptions as brains waste the bin with Trees that had a Life,
even equals prove with each formalization human beings crate the box before the act of the Talked.

To Knight an extreme in impatience as People are on the litter to be at War while Children screaming,
from the burial of Roar to the Loud Christians Door the Yield is only the weight of the Boot in Date,
cause stills Old Men shaking Gender differences to know the Big Benefit from the lie in Truth,
for even I whom was born in the City of San Francisco treasure the Education of the Bathroom.

A Chest rigged Pandora the insults brought Ancient Blood rising pumping Blue an Organ do,
circulation proving that Worthy are the Brights shining in Fly regardless of the dress to Cry,
in defining the Moment of Now seconds passed Creation Evolved to a Formal Dashing,
floors of Oak as Teak is Redwood Broke limbered the trough freeze for the Dancing Waltz.

Dressed with Case rounding the Vase lit with Candle drives to Tip the Ballroom to Romantic Taste,
days so far gone clothing in shrink nothing fits for the dryer is the dirty washers in sinked,
no soap could hem the cuts of crafts that have lost Pinocchio for his Father.

Cobble Creeks