Sunday, July 6, 2014

Firing Ices Brought Cates

I speak of Frankly bold in Dale for as the Mountain has a Vail the Credit goes to hose & Nail,
the Head of the hammer known just accepts an Other stone not a Marker it's Just the Loan,
in Every State their is a Plate of Marry Apple the Orange a Rate keeping Place is the Take,
for after been in Kiln of Dove the Arrow Center is a Heart in loved the simple is a better 'boved.

Tracking back to Stalls exact Arena's never finished dirt for the Mud was on my Face a Packing for a Day,
washing is for clothes to Shrinks however leaks have bent the stinked a Skunk in the Worlds trades,
sociological beared a say but in the envy walked a paved road to Over Sea the droves in mistake it's rode,
counter cluck backed to Buck a Horse is a Learners' luck for Rogues' were known to come be Key!!

A bit to a little Rider the Voice is the Quiets side a hand to know that Horses grow in too the Natural know,
of grace to Greats my Zest would have been the Olympic Best but Amy took sold for lessed to take yets,
dispite the hate of dinner lates a broad did open the sight of Fate in such the Friend was Justly preyed,
upon the second first one laid in Front of War this Person snored the rest became a date per Cased.

One Time Two Times Three Makes for a the Stand of the Globes is a Systematic Math add subtract,
in the Y it said to X that the Z is lettered such for A is Apple B keeps Brush and C spells the work abrupts,
the in of the midst tauting touched nothing given always ruff a kedder creates a whip to trayed in came'd,
no introduction to the deck of an introduced to dept even for resistance lept I would have been a Set.

The loss begets a further Breadth in simple I love the Dragon Debt back to the Wright of Due a Fire,
the Gold Egg of birth today is the Passing Torched display burning with desirous shade valenced Gray,
a Mirror of not I wait that may have been a big Fat rake across the Coals of just play faked to get a bay,
for Vocals in the lowest trend reveal a Hand of Me in Been gooding Luck to Humaities Sucked Flesh did.

It Remains In The Dialections