Friday, July 4, 2014


Hasten your Sword to the Dagger of Measurement in the depth of the Darkening Pavement grades,
trusting the Value as the Faultered Gear is the Zero of the Letting lefts be Correct to Quests Upped,
top to the lower based trued to the Snake coils of the apple barreling turned Orange Pears brine.

The Flambe of Caramel Rings in the Circus of Thought be from a brush as the Curtain Oppositions,
staging Mind upon Matter in the Voice of Chattel warming Winds as Storms to the Vile Brim tucked,
a path of remember to the gauge of defeat ranks a Militant to the defense in an Offensive Streak!!

Nude James Blunt is too barrel his Sights with a turning Tide of no response indicative of burrows spence,
 mead Means that provision thus the gold in the discipline of meet control to the failed rolling of glugging,
drunk fold cutting molds as the dew toppers in a Flag of the Cook as Mustard hosed Comes prepped.

Shop upon the Journey Long fit most leather as a Leg off in the Yield of the Horse on the Rail for Wall,
collection in extended the Kindness of a Hand to the Reins while encouraging the Stage Scenes Musk kiers,
appeal the loom in the Yawn of the Rise to a Dawn Ear lay in the Video disciple of Sand dune Spice!!

The Songs of leaders bringing factors of Known through admissions of Musical ability to Throw Out,
than in dismissal of Any hand shaking Queer not the understood define butt that to a Ragtime Find.

Changing dictation to accommodate a channel in a talk of upside down to evened up sound bigger is better,
and James Blunt is going Letter in an All Ready Suite to the Heinz Trait of a Table laid to Dinner.

Sterling Plates in platonic froze the stick of the Tongue to the Winter Pole proceeds to Nice the Fight,
due to circumspect a blast ford Viol corrects threw basic Crabbing net brick layers morass`ed  stew,
fickle are the Vlasic Penguins in circumstances shown disappearing from ill treatment to Planet Self.

Fried Green Tomatoes Not Reddened Reapers With Creature Featured