Saturday, July 12, 2014

Anchor Dished

While whomever is bouncing Post Sites you have the query of a game loosed on B.D.S.M. reality,
I play hard ball to the truth of the Blunt rode sweats for as Women dictate to Men relate,
an Vision is much like the written boot of completes in Suck my Credit born.

In this stuper of poker game you only reveal that news reels to poke fear at done,
whom shall the master art as orders are stern from a stunner in the part?,
does Blunt Captain Poet or wrap the after know it?,
are people being finger swiped to advise the baker?,
or just taunt the Sayer to quest out the Crimes?.

Is there a beginning to stage a New Charge?,
or merely the Tweeter in a quick fixed mobbing?,
are accounts taken to reception?,
or the tunnel in left deceived??.

Does the brand of numerical birth ground messages??<
or hate humanity and it's lack of touching the subject matter alive not dead??

The Who crafts these matter facts have you considered a Meeting to be in the reality,
or do you also join the deadly dealings of girth combed??

Is the only measure of Issue the Life Itself stating Hi??