Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Scene Lights Bigs

Popeye the Sail lore Man made Spinach a favorite in Can,
loving the burger grilled onions in pan,
it's original Jokes in the Tender of ran.

Olive Oil and malted vinegar is dipping the taste in the buttering of toasts,
Bills Place on the lament has Crystal Chandeliers from Italy I hear,
the bakery that serves the meet filled piroshki's with Cabbage,
are the examples to the Bohemian life style in the Moulin Rouge!!

To Sing on a Swing that Pearls are a girls best friends,
would stage the Charlie Brown lesson in blah, blah, blah!!

If for in the Instant the Chef were a Rat attack for outing,
why than Home on the Range in a more Costner Mail would sake!!

Of course their is a spoken Chapter to a virtual in real Name Matthew,
the russelling forms a definite Goldie in the fanned All for the daughters Sake!!

Train the Circus in aptly Three-Ringing Shows as the Stage presents the Universe lens,
the body type of say the above classics to the Statue of David as a definite Eddy!!

Karuta anime likes the broads of the Over Board tales in a perfect Match,
credited from the graceful desirous Back to the Future land!!

Annie is a beautiful dynamical Musical that records the Counts of lording,
now these hour minute times I am sure are in the scrolling knows,
the Age of the Awkward mere to the Presentations of the dues!!