Thursday, June 26, 2014

Mortal Trolley Car Rides

To have bore witness to the split of the stream to wake in the Millennials of spline the jar abrupts,
a World of existence denied for doubt in beliefs or for the astrologists card in the finals be a Fool?,
no thank you to both or too the many more out there in this global despair of  these Settings to dies.

I while alive have no choice in the matter of stating to those whom have forced these disgusts of morals,
that come in the actuals of done to me in person via Exorcisms or delightfully speaking of fate,
keep for yourselves these wonders of tells and let go those that wish to better themselves!!

In expressives to allow the verbal kowtow that has learned throughout the Ages of Now,
to stand and not be abusive with my life just practice for the inevitable stride of release from these Tides,
as the Ebb too the Flow counter the Rise as the Horn to the Show of obedienced discipline of the rides.

Crossing the explanation with exceptions to the rules will only impose greater dues in the truths,
even I accept the fight as the right to say "I don't know what Love is actually" I just know cruels!!

As People that Produce Terror or Horror in an unending disguise of Money? made from the Preach?,
shame on those whom mislead to proposing only sit by 'cause it's all in the die!!

Fight for your Rite live like tomorrow was Yesterday learned in the Present of the Moment to being able,
to look and understand the Consequences of the Voice in a Man that provides a determination in me,
that became the identifying factor in many times around the Cause of attempting to bring reason to minds,
the apathy that has swollen into the treasury of the sleepers is more than a call to retreat!!

It is of itself a search to ensure that I will never be caught in this round about of reincarnations to the loan,
the human mortal is a crisis zone to become familiar with more permanence is a swing of glitch,
to be a Being in the Echos of Times that presents alternatives even if I fight the change readily,
it doesn't negate the fact that it is in exist and I am familiar in the extremes of the Order to Set as Art!!

I run for lots of wisdom to be well versed in the comprehension of some strange retention people push,
as if Principles that include a Difference in Life Style is used for the mystery yet turned from in History.

Oracles that Muse a person that has been abused who's Mind has shot to the dimensional tunes,
the threat of Hell is nothing in comparison to the look I see with a particular deed for those are Eternities,
in one look of glancing stare the Infinity snaps to the time lot of 5 second shift in first gear,
imagine that understanding comes from that Hand than Life would be .... You have no words for Time!!