Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dig Deep Grave Square Pyramid Triangles Maps Tared

I Will sport a Thought to the Nature of think as the Book of Tells speaks Naturally of wells,
the bible is a Menu ask the Verse in Psalms a Saltry edition to the Turn in the Palms,
the Production of Religions leave the balance in the brew as Communion is a Taken,
in the Wafer Ices Green as the Soylent of the Means to Price the Bell of Tollings to do's,
walking down the Aisle to the bread and buttered drink a Cup of Chalice laddered to build the fodder prove.

To actively resistance the energy whiles the sparks of the Eclectics of the standings to Stage an Airing darts,
point the Compass Mars the trip of excites to knowing that direction has no return to cart,
the a Haw in burning developes as my Mind is Scored to que Tups a Stag or retreat truthing as a Ring,
to gold the platinum pouring a cup of coffee tree produces that those grinding are in a literal signed,
the contract is just following the direction of the geod a period for the Acronym to point the Bird in low.

The disturb is fearing fright as the Nerve of the spinal taps upon the Mind of sequel'ing must Credit the Tack,
saddled to the twine of ropes upon the stings the be of Wares to Scenes of Lairs will time in the Back,
in the Spinning of Directives a Dungeon to the Bottoms will look to the Top and either switch or Balk.

Sense to Goods for Order in the Art of Set a driven purchased Purpose will save the lives of Moored,
the bog in the Marshall a Government of Strife in each a Country the Nation is the Site,
to reverse the effect of a Photo Shop in debt sewn with guarantee react was hit the lead,
bucking off to terror in the Eyes of Seen the Aspic of the Run must have had a Vee!!

Should the back to basics not Educate the Degree than Study will be debted to the You of deed,
whipping to the evident words that need no read given in the riding of the coarsing breathed,
hard cored to fight the brights in such blindings that shades of many brake to inspect the give to take,
learning in the College of Life as it is Knowledge no longer is the Apple the only in the Store,
the shop of Good & Plenty is just in Ignore.

Produce in the basket equate this to Venue of the City Scape,
the House of Prime Rib does Serve a big to bigger Staked!!

Bondage Discipline States Mines