Sunday, June 22, 2014

Spy Glasses

Whilst at Home I'm feeling Blue the Cable Car approached as the City in a Close so lets' say Frank,
the San Francisco treat said with Apple Seed my heart is justly Tanked to bank the deeply seat,
as for railing across the value is measured with a stick not stone for this may prove a Meet,
putting forward truths to Courting sprigs in Central feat!!

As the snow does rarely fall in the mucking chore for this is a simple lore tis singing all the what & for's,
a peaceful pardon for the World is in need of a Wonder Man that is Suited-up to Leader's luck,
delightfully the check-mate sade a terrible if stuck from surfing crowds to merely Wave,
a band to audience this Cheer I gladly fan the fear embarrassment may Swallow and life would duck!! 

The blessing of these knotted knows is the facts that I keep the prose to familiarize the coulds' with ouch,
stage the Dungeon to the Dark Lord his Lair I'm sure I've seen before through a type of memory define,
should the latter be explored than grace be with this little door in shutting all the Panes to Score,
it's what has happened that makes what is happening rather odd to suggestive in modding,
dependent of course You guessed on the Totaling of the Actual in seen!!

Not to beg the performer more like professing the error of caution as the Oxygen of Life itself,
as no one can determine a future a Sonata from the Past will bring the best to letter,
a Post or New Path!!

In playing Operator since it's been disconnect the call goes to General in the Proper as a Prime,
now ranking is important for stripes are on the board an arm that is so showing that Rose should be adore,
deliver flower chained to daisy his fav. in the Show but to kindness I must say you can come to know,
a sort of back door invitation to the obvious slams that I say there is always hope for uniques.

For in the case of personal it would not be prudent to force such judgement that could deliver whip,
as the Crop of the Cross-Country Event is moreover referred to as in addition a Bat,
the Singer has a tight-end look that makes the Ball seem just a foot to kick the point on Home!!

Napoleon Complexities