I am driven in this Site to be reminded in my plight that I witness to the testify of my life,
the real of a Man not some Being in the Sky that you meet on accidental tour of this human loaded try.
The fact that I have a wild side to some romantic idea of a fling without being touched,
is at least keeping on the Earthly Plane of Reality that I would have to serve the term out here!!
To think that I could stay it off with a prayer tomorrow for lasts weeks sin in a confessional booth,
should pressure the Reader to know I am in constant of course with a quick too also accept dues,
not to suffer some death with no belief just a Hail Mary and An Our father oh yea & ante the tithes in,
paying the entry to a place that fell here anyway.
I would rather know in the actual breathing life that I made an extreme effort to comply,
by putting right out there for any, every and that specific Knight to read the escape plans.
Why live this Hell on Earth with the Threat of Hell in Sublime that doesn't get any better it sounds weird,
let me do what ever I want as who ever I am by the way I am a Loan who was Sent to Message,
that Coffee is good translator to the unknown dimensions which will be crossed inevitably,
one could actually even pass it all to that moment in death where it is said your life flashes in front of You.
I am not the Type of Being that Chances these Questions to The Ages of the Futures,
especially if by growing to be taller I have learned that the Bible is stolen verse from Myth!!
That is ridiculous to have pushed down our throats and beaten us for just saying things like,
"Where did the Dinosaurs fit in"
But don't worry for death it is living in this Life on Earth