Saturday, August 6, 2016

Pass^Sew Fee^Knows That Things Chance While Boreds Ride The Flanked???

E!^Knock the part.Tick.coal??,
the faction of dye.Verge.gents??,
what is the practice of scene while note is to Wind??,
the absolute on that bare.feat??

Hare.less cat on the Bag,
sure.paw is the berth??,
'X' than put to Storm a Rein.knee State^Meant to Read.Deed??,
good & plenty the Candyland of Chutes and Ladders is what??,
the Made and the fag??.

Nice to that Kiss.Syn tell is the pry.Vee of done.gins and drag.Inn,
for that happened while the garden was recording the water logged,
to that marker on the was the fashion of the dress.sir,
a waltz up the stares that made Monopoly for sun.screen!!

The rigging off the sleeve is more's code for knowing the Officer at the barn,
safety, safety, safety is the motto of that gain,
be of only The Watcher on record,
blink with the work and masque the horror to site,
the cent.tents will be found as knew of Bakers Blanket,
shows that the fact is a movie in re-balanced!!!