Saturday, August 6, 2016

Chap^Len Gave Rise To The Knights As The Dance Was Not In.Knee Talk It Gave Certain In.A.Lean.Bull Rocks, Do You Know Whats In Your Wall.It??

Dial owe Map,
the radio black-Out is that there are no broadwaves on-error??,
what is that Zenith to the LOGS and CHARTS ink.lean on the sat eh light??

How is the show on language and Prose,
is the Verse to that language gone Bill or Oh.rye.Lead,
it is the blow.when in the wind??
my TRANS -OCEANIC ALL TRANSISTOR knows Mr. Dopplerson by lane aye e!;
should Alan Colmes greet this Goods,
the process is that Susan Sarandon by lows,
it is that page 57 book.keen Jordan's fan.toss.Mi's Chronicle??

The English to the Scot's what Wild Creeks said,
the river in the speak of a stone to rock the salts.

Than the bird came to Sill,
the ease of turned-out,
cold the chills of goose and toys that leave the day to state,
well the Turkey on the Road of Wares just gave the teach a letter,
it was the evening of return to safety and its funny,
in that drive at park to scene with those flowers pruned,
picture what is up above and know that stars are lid.Tolls!!