Thursday, April 28, 2016

What Is More Chiseled The Chin See Or That Slough??

The fizz a coal in come is the stage of say per suit,
to advance the rig as the vest meant tide is as the vast goes to Toads and snore,
speak ease see to that is the hose,
at that is the view of an earl lee Ur treat,
to discussion tee Pea as the bill Lee crystal is to know that Rob been Will yums yanks the Clead.

To that is the ration of stool to pipe,
hot watt tour to the Oz Score site,
liter board with visual touch the come,
it is as the track went to wink the Fund!!

First witness is the Television screen,
however that direct shin is a hand shake kin sheer??,
no to that is the know of disgust,
watching that over the table Top to lunge the staff on the gear shifting Tier,
scones and lamps gas light Tin ski??,
no it was as plane as the shoulders shook summed!!!!

The Channel between The Pond and the states of that anchor bell Chair cheese as per in's swell,
swim to that greek and eat hodges hoe tell,
the puck is a stick to stand third legs shrill??,
I have never seen those lit Toll geeks cross Sing so stip`d,
lathe to that crown and the Bump??,
no it was compass to Camel gone drink,
down with the vigor and up without Shrink??,