This article is about consensual sexual bondage. For other uses, see
Slavery in Japan.
Kinbaku (緊縛?) means 'tight binding'
Kinbaku-bi (緊縛美?) which literally means 'the beauty of tight binding'. Kinbaku is a
Japanese style of
bondage or
BDSM which involves tying up the
bottom using simple yet visually intricate patterns, usually with several pieces of thin
rope (often
hemp or
linen and generally around 6 mm in diameter, but sometimes as small as 4 mm, and between 7 – 8 m long). In Japanese, this natural-fibre rope is known as 'asanawa'; the Japanese vocabulary does not make a distinction between hemp and jute. The
allusion is to the use of hemp rope for restraining prisoners, as a symbol of power, in the same way that stocks or manacles are used in a
WesternBDSM context.
[1] The word shibari came into common use in the West at some point in the 1990s to describe the bondage art Kinbaku.
Shibari (縛り?) is a Japanese word that literally means "Decorativley Tie".
'Kinbaku' vs. 'shibari'[edit]
There is much discussion about the distinction between shibari and kinbaku, and whether one term is more appropriate than another.
One modern distinction which is gaining popularity among westerners wanting to distinguish the terms is that shibari refers to purely artistic, aesthetic rope, whilst kinbaku refers to the artistic, connective, sensual, sexual practice as a whole. While thousands of books and articles have been written in Japanese about shibari, no one has found evidence
[citation needed] of there being any thought given to the distinction between these words among Japanese practitioners of the art.
A traditional view is that the term 'shibari' is a wrong Western Japonism. The word denotes tying in Japanese, but in a generic way, and traditionally not in the context of bondage. The names for many particular ties include 'shibari', but it is not traditional to call the entire activity that way. (In the same way as there are '
Diamond Knots' and '
Portuguese Bowline Knots', but 'knotting' does not mean bondage). Instead, Kinbaku is the term for artistic or erotic tying within traditional Japanese rope bondage circles.
[citation needed] This view seems to be squarely at odds with the way the word is actually used in books, periodicals, and discussions of rope bondage among Japanese.
An even more traditional view is that shibari is a term used for erotic bondage in Japan that is practically interchangeable with the term kinbaku.
Itoh Seiu, generally considered one of the fathers of contemporary Japanese rope bondage used the term in the 1950s,
[3] with no sign of it being a "western Japonism" as did many other well known Japanese bakushi, from the 1950s until present day, including Nureki Chimuo, Yukimura Haruki, Akechi Denki, Tsujimura Takeshi, Arisue Go, Randa Mai, Osada Steve, Miura Takumi, Nagaike Takeshi, and Minomura Kou (among countless others). One of Nurkei Chimuo's how-to video series from the 1980s, is titled Introduction to Shibari.
While some claim this is a somewhat hidebound definition and the word shibari is now increasingly being re-imported from the West to Japan, as the tying communities are very much interconnected, there is no evidence to support such a conclusion as most practicing bakushi in Japan have very limited contact with the west and almost no interest in debating the meaning of words. Most Japanese kinbakushi do not object to the term shibari, as it's common vernacular in the global community.
Another explanation can be found in the linguistic roots of the two words, which share a core kanji.
Rope types[edit]
In Japan the most often used type of rope is a loose laid, three strand jute rope. This rope is referred to as "Asanawa" usually translated as "hemp rope" the word 'asa' as hemp and 'nawa' as rope,
[6][7][8] however this is using the more generic form of the word [hemp] referring to a range of natural fibre ropes rather than those pertaining to a particular plant. In recent history a range of rope types have been used for Kinbaku in Japan though
Nawashi rarely use synthetic fibre rope and most often use
Aesthetics of Japanese bondage[edit]
aesthetics of the bound person's position is important: in particular, Japanese bondage is distinguished by its use of specific katas (forms) and aesthetic rules. Sometimes, asymmetric and often intentionally uncomfortable positions are employed. In particular, Japanese bondage is very much about the way the rope is applied and the pleasure is more in the journey than the destination. In this way the rope becomes an extension of the
nawashi's hands and is used to communicate.
[citation needed]
Traditional Japanese bondage techniques use natural vegetable fiber rope (
jute, or
linen) exclusively,
[citation needed] though contemporary Japanese Masters have been working with a range of rope materials. The natural fibers easily lock to each other which means the bondage can be held together by the friction of twists and turns or very simple knots. Traditionally, multiple 6-8 meter lengths are used.
[citation needed]
Shibari in contemporary art[edit]
Shibari has a strong presence in the works of some renowned contemporary artists, mainly photographers, like
Nobuyoshi Araki in Japan,
Jim Duvall in the United States and
Hikari Kesho in Europe.
In 2014, Romanian singer-songwriter NAVI released a Shibari-themed music video, "Picture Perfect".
[9] The highly controversial video, directed by Marian Nica, was banned by Romanian television for its explicit erotic content.

Naka Akira's show at Toubaku
Bondage as a sexual activity first came to notice in Japan in the late
Edo period.
[11] Generally recognized as "father of Kinbaku" is
Seiu Ito, who started studying and researching
Hojōjutsu is credited with the inception of Kinbaku, though it is noted that he drew inspiration from other art forms of the time including Kabuki theatre and Ukiyoe woodblock prints. Kinbaku became widely popular in Japan in the 1950s through magazines such as
Kitan Club and
Yomikiri Romance, which published the first naked bondage photographs. In the 1960s, people such as Eikichi Osada began to appear performing live
SM shows often including a large amount of rope bondage, today these performers are often referred to as
Nawashi (rope master) or Bakushi (from kinbakushi, meaning bondage master).
In recent years, Kinbaku has become popular in the Western
BDSM scene in its own right and has also profoundly influenced bondage, combining to produce many 'fusion' styles.
Kinbaku is based on fairly specific rope patterns, many of them derived from Hojojutsu ties. Of particular importance are the
Ushiro Takatekote (a type of arm
box tie), which forms the basis of many Kinbaku ties, and the
Ebi, or "Shrimp", which was originally designed as a torture tie and codified as part of the Edo period torture techniques.
[citation needed] Today the tie is used as part of SM
play and can be considered a form of Semenawa, torture rope.
Generally speaking, Kinbaku is practiced with ropes of 6–8 meters (20–26 feet) in length.
[citation needed] Due to the generally different physique of Western subjects, 8 meters (26 feet) ropes are commonly used in the West.
[citation needed] The rope material is usually
jute) though many other materials are in use including
cotton and various synthetics. Various techniques are used to make the natural fiber ropes softer.
[citation needed]
- kinbaku (緊縛?): (noun) literally 'tight binding'. It does not convey the meaning of sexual bondage outside SM circles. However, some experts, e.g. Kinoko Hajime and Osada Steve, make a distinction from 'shibari' in that it is used to refer to sessions with a strong emotional exchange.
- kinbakushi (緊縛師?): (noun) kinbaku master, can be shortened to bakushi.
- shibari (縛り?): (noun) the act of tying, binding or weaving. It does not convey the meaning of sexual bondage outside SM circles.
- shibaru (縛る?): (verb) tie or bind with a rope
- nawa shibari (縄縛り?): (noun) rope-tying with a rope (an incorrect, "made-up" term, does not exist in Japanese[12])
- nawashi (縄師?): (noun) literally,"a maker of rope", but in SM circles it means a professional "rope artist"[11]
Kinbaku patterns[edit]
Most of the below have multiple variations:
- Single wrist binding 片手首縛り Katate kubi shibari
- Both wrists binding 両手首縛り Ryoute kubi shibari
- Handcuff binding 手錠縛り Tejou shibari
- Prisoner handcuff binding 連行手錠縛り Renkou tejou shibari
- Hands behind the back binding 後ろ手縛り Ushiro te shibari
- High hands behind the back binding 後ろ高手小手縛り(簡易型 Ushiro takate kote shibari)
- Hands behind the head tie 後頭後ろ手縛り Koutou ushiro te shibari
- Tasuki (kimono string) tied 襷(タスキ)縛り Tasuki (tasuki ) shibari
- Crotch rope tie また縄縛り Mata nawa shibari
- Turtle (diamond pattern) binding 亀甲縛り(菱縄縛り) Kikkou shibari (hishi nawa shibari)
- Upright standing binding 直立不動一本縛り Chokuritsu fudou ippon shibari
- Cross-legged binding 胡座 縛り Agura shibari
- Shrimp binding 海老縛り Ebi shibari
- Reverse shrimp binding 逆さ海老縛り Sakasa ebi shibari
- Standing partial suspension 立ち吊り縛り Tachi tsuri shibari
- One foot lifted partial suspension 片足上げ吊り縛り1 Kataashi age tsuri shibari
- Hanging letter M, open leg binding M字開脚吊り縛り M ji kaikyaku tsuri shibari
- Reverse hanging shrimp binding 逆海老吊り縛り Gyaku ebi tsuri shibari
- Reverse prayer hands 後手 合掌 縛り - Gote Gasshou Shibari
- Arms bound in front 前手 肘 縛り - Maete Hiji Shibari
- Legs bound together 両足 合体 一文字 縛り - Ryouashi Gattai Ichimonji Shibari
- Rifle tie 鉄砲 縛り - Teppou Shibari
- High Hands on Front Tie 前方 高手 縛り - Zenpou Takate Shibari
Topics in Japanese bondage include:
- Karada Japanese word used in the West for body (body harness, a "rope dress")
- Ushiro Takate Kote Foundational form for most shibari ties, capturing the upper body / breasts and arms behind back (when ushiro) in a "U" shape behind the back
- Kikkou - A body tie that ends with a tortoise shell design in the front upper torso.
- Hishi A tie using diamond shapes. When done as a full body tie, it is sometimes also called hishi-kikkou. The hishi has been popularized by manga, or cartoon, art.
- Ebi The "shrimp" tie
- Agoura a less severe tie similar to an ebi
- Tazuki "criss-cross harness"
- Tanuki "racoon dog"
- Kataashi tsuri "one-legged suspension"
- Asymmetric bondage, a common feature of Japanese bondage
- Tsuri suspension
- Gyaku ebi
- Hojojutsu
* Knew Rules As Howard Stern Must Knot No!!!
ation-licensed/UsDF-recognized dressage shows is expen- sive, and if ... Te UseF, not the UsDF, writes the rules for national-level .... (“Dummy” spurs are allowed.) 31. ... HORSE ID: Horses must wear their competitor numbers at all times.
GENERAL RULES FOR ALL PONY CLUB SHOW JUMPING COMPETITIONS. Page No. .... Guidelines for Branch Team & Individual Competitions .. 14. (not Area or ..... The Pony Club expects competitors to wear plain dress. Any extra .... 4. SPURS.Spurs may be worn at Rallies and other events with the permission of the. › ... › Hunter/Jumper
The Chronicle of the Horse
Jul 14, 2011 - 18 posts - 14 authors
I personally wear spurs and carry a crop every time I ride, but I also ride ... IHSArules and can you believe that they don't allow spurs & crop to show/prep? ... I have had better luck with a crop on getting my horses forward and ...
body protectors when competing in any jumping class (show jumping, working hunter, clear ... JUNIOR riders are NOT ALLOWED to wear SPURS in any class.
Grand Prix Show Jumping is not for the faint of heart! The sport is best ... Time Faults: Any time a horse and rider exceed time allowed. .... A rider may also elect towear spurs or carry a crop, or stick, to encourage the horse over the fences.
by H Safety
Auwerda, Extension animal science specialist—horses; and 4-H Horse. Advisory Committee .... and Exhibiting Requirements for County, State, and Interstate. Shows. ...... Hunt whip or crop may be .... Exhibitor wearing spurs or chaps. • Failure ...
At Federation licensed Dressage, Hunter, Jumper or Hunter/Jumper competitions, ... anywhere on the competition grounds, to wear protective headgear with harness ... Rapping the legs of a horse with the butt end of a riding crop or other implement. .... Club (ASPC) requirements for licensure according to GR1074 and have ...
2016 United States Equestrian Federation Rule Book as a courtesy to our ... 2016 POLICIES AND GUIDELINES FOR USEA RECOGNIZED COMPETITIONS ... 2016 U.S. EQUESTRIAN FEDERATION RULES FOR EVENTING ...... horse, riding an obviously lame horse, excessive use of the whip and/or spurs or riding in an.
Mar 1, 2012 - For the dressage phase a coat of dark color or tweed is required ... For full explanation of spur rules please reference page 30 of the rulebook.
Hunter bits, bridles, crops, spurs, and martingales are tightly regulated. ... of equipment, and may wear less conservative attire, so long as it stays within the rules. ... Horses are allowed a limited number of refusals before being disqualified.